Mercury Retrograde

August 1, 2024, by amy


Let’s reframe our understanding of Mercury retrograde. It’s not something to fear but rather an opportunity for you to review and resolve something. Mercury retrograde gets a bad wrap (primarily because fear sells), but really, it’s just part of the larger cycle and is a period of time where we work with Mercury’s energy in a slightly different way.


The Benefits of Mercury Retrograde

Everything works in cycles and seasons. The retrograde cycle is like Mercury’s own moon (menstrual) time. After being in a more masculine flow, the retrograde is like a feminine reprieve to go within and do some much-needed reflecting and reassessing. It’s less about doing and pushing and more about being and noticing.

When a planet is retrograde it means that from our perspective on the Earth, for a brief time, the planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky. Energetically this is a shift in the flow of energy from that planet to us on Earth – the energy can feel halted or delayed. The planet is, of course, not actually moving backwards, but they do move backwards through the zodiac and gates from our perspective.

Planetary retrogrades are necessary. As above, so below. We are directly impacted by this shift in energy. Can you imagine if we were stuck in go-go-go and forward momentum all the time? I am exhausted just thinking about it!

Ultimately, retrogrades are happening for us.

Mercury’s retrograde is an opportunity to reflect, review, and redo. It’s an opportunity to see what you need to see, make adjustments, and find clarity so that you can move forward in greater alignment once he is direct again.


The Qualities of Mercury

Mercury, also known as Hermes in mythology, governs our mental capacity, intellect, thought processing, communication, and expression. In ancient mythology, Hermes/Mercury was known as a cheeky and mischievous messenger. He was responsible for delivering messages to the gods and acted as a guide to the underworld for souls departing this life. He was the only God who was able to flit between heaven, earth, and the depths of hell. 

His transits and planetary interactions are greatly felt because they impact the way we think and share what we think. We notice when Mercury’s energy is disrupted. When Mercury is retrograde, we don’t have the same access to our thought processing and expression. In many ways, this is an opportunity to adopt a different perspective and see things in a new light.


Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo

Mercury will be retrograde through the early degrees of Virgo, the sculptor and healer of the zodiac, between the 5th and 14th of August. Followed by the late degrees of Leo, the illuminator and leader of the zodiac, between the 14th and 29th of August.

Mercury begins his retrograde in gate 59.5 and will transit back through 59, 29, and 4, respectively, stationing direct in gate 4.3 on the 29th of August. Mercury reaches the halfway point of this Rx cycle when he meets with the Sun in gate 29.3 on the 19th of August, which is when we experience a clarifying moment in the cycle.

From 29 August to 12 September, when Mercury is direct and retracing his steps through Leo and Virgo, we have the opportunity to take action on what we learned during his retrograde cycle.


Zodiac Archetypes

Virgo is the sign of earthly wisdom, practicality, refinement, precision, physical service, skills, craftsmanship and service. I refer to Virgo as the sculptor, earth witch and healer of the zodiac, who is connected to the fields of physical service and health and deeply embodies the quality of refinement and precision. Virgo can be frank and to the point, but that’s what we love about the sign. There’s no need for fluff. The gift of Virgo is in helping us see what is unnecessary and where things can be paired back and refined. Virgo teaches us that less is always more when you are precise in your actions.

Leo is the sign of heart-centred leadership, courage, bravery, creativity, expression and authenticity. The bold illuminator and courageous leader of the zodiac. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and I love to use the nature of the Sun as an example for the gifts of Leo energy. If you think of the role that the Sun plays in our solar system – his light illuminates the planets and brings life to them. That is the role of Leo. The more Leo shines, the more he helps illuminate the light and life of those around him. As ruler of the 5th House, Leo is also connected to our experience of fun, pleasure, creativity, authenticity, expression, romance and children.


What to Expect From This Mercury Retrograde

During this retrograde, you may find that you are called inward to study, learn new skills or perfect old ones, to revisit a past creative project, to review matters of work and service, to see where you need to pair back, simplify and refine, and/or connect deeper with the wisdom of the earth and your body. You may also find that you are called inward to reflect on your relationship with pleasure, fun, romance, creativity and authentic expression.

As Mercury retrogrades through gates 59, 29 and 4, you may find yourself feeling more reflective and contemplative about the world around you and your relationships. This Mercury Rx will illuminate where we are ready to break down barriers to achieve greater intimacy and connection, where we are committing our energy correctly and should persist vs where we have incorrectly committed ourselves and need to close a loop, and the difference between answers that have been proven and substantiated by facts vs answers lacking validity.

With Mercury meeting the Sun in gate 29.3 (properly assessed inaction) on the 19th of August, there is the potential for a clarifying moment where confusion gives way to sharp insight. A new perspective or realisation may emerge that calls you to consider waiting rather than acting. This may offer us all a moment to see where our actions have taken us off track, and recognise the value in waiting rather than pushing through. Be prepared to bump into something that you are not prepared for, but also know that this is an auspicious coming together of Mercury and the Sun that ultimately wants to serve you.


How to Work with Mercury Retrograde

How to work with this Mercury retrograde? Pay attention to what happens between now and the 29th of August – this is the period of time when lessons come to light, or something hidden (pattern, behaviour, belief) is illuminated to you. This is the time to be with what comes up, practice self-responsibility and own it. Between the 29th of August and the 12th of September is the time to make change by realigning, making amends or shifting your direction. Pay attention to what is illuminated to you on the 19th of August.


Taking Precautions in Mercury Retrograde

As always, I also recommend taking extra care during this time with all things communication, tech, travel and connection. Back your files up and make sure all of your ducks are in a row. Be careful with communication and emails. Take extra care with travel booking and allow buffers. Try to avoid signing contracts if you can – if you absolutely have to, then it is wise to take your time and have someone else review them too.  Practice patience – there are always hiccups of some sort during this time and that can’t be avoided.